Bordeaux European Exchanges

Symposium on June 27, 2024
For responsible public procurement

Prise de parole pendant le colloque BEE Hall du colloque BEE Poignée de mains pendant le colloque BEE Prise de parole pendant le colloque BEE Bâtiment du colloque BEE


Bâtiment du colloque BEE

BEE 2024: A look back on a successful event

The BEE (Bordeaux European Exchanges) conference has proved to be a must-attend event for European players in the field of public procurement. On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the City of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Métropole and UGAP, France's leading public procurement agency, brought together over twenty French and European specialists to share their thoughts and ideas on responsible public procurement.

This second edition was attended by almost 700 participants, both in person in Bordeaux and online, underlining the growing importance of these discussions for the economic and responsible development of local and regional authorities.

For those who were unable to attend the event or would like to relive the highlights, we present exclusive content from BEE 2024. You'll find the replays of the various round tables and interviews with experts who shared their vision and experiences of committed public procurement.

Watch the replays and the interviews

BEE 2022 in figures

Icônes d'utilisateur

Nearly 1,000


Icône de localisation

8 countries


Icône de micro



Icône de calendrier

Every 2


BEE in video

Delphine Jamet - Ville de Bordeaux

Nicolas Prentout - 3AR

Lionel Ferraris – UGAP

An event co-organised by

Logo Bordeaux Métropole
Logo Bordeaux Ville

What our participants have to say

Photo de Jean-Yves MUYLLE

Jean-Yves MUYLLE

Head of Public Procurement Unit, Internal Market Directorate/DG GROW

European Commission

Jean-Yves Muylle has been Head of the Public Procurement Unit in the Directorate-General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) at the European Commission since September 2022. The aim of his unit is to stimulate the transformation of public procurement as a driver of economic development.

Photo de Chiara VENTURINI


Head of Digital Transformation

Eurocities Bruxelles

Chiara Venturini is head of the 'digital transformation' and 'economic development' teams at Eurocities, the network of major European cities. Before joining Eurocities, she worked for 10 years for European associative networks in the digital sector, and was a consultant in sustainability and supply chain.

Photo de Mario COMBA


Professor of Public Law and Comparative Economic Law

University of Turin (Italy)

Mario Eugenio Comba is a professor at the University of Turin, teaching Comparative Economic Law and Comparative Public Law. He is a member of the Council of the European Law Institute and the Scientific Board of the Master’s program on public procurement and sustainable development. An expert in public contracts, he has advised public and private clients for 30 years.

Photo de Sarah MCKINLEY


Head of the Community Wealth Building programme and European representative for the Next System project

The Democracy Collaborative

Sarah McKinley, Director of Community Wealth Building Programs at The Democracy Collaborative, advances community wealth building and fosters learning exchanges around the democratic economy in the U.S., U.K., and Europe. Based in Brussels, she has co-authored numerous reports on community wealth building and democratic economy initiatives.

See all the speakers

See all the speakers


Join us!

To make sure you don’t miss out on any BEE news, join the BEE Network – a discussion group that brings together buyers, economic players, elected representatives, companies and experts interested in responsible public procurement at the European level. Ask us questions, propose your projects and share your comments: this is your group!

Join the BEE Network



By Gabriel Zignani ( 22 2024

When a responsible procurement scheme reveals its potential

To draw up its scheme to promote socially and economically responsible public procurement (“SPASER”), the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan authority carried out a review of best practices as early as 2019, with a view to adapting and implementing them as needed. Let’s take a closer look at the challenge it faces to now move from theory to practice.

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By Jean-Marc Joannès ( 22 2024

Green Industry Act: the 4 new environmental provisions in the French Public Procurement Code

The “Green Industry” Act, adopted and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic in October 2023, has led to changes to the French Public Procurement Code regarding contract award criteria, cases of exclusion of bids, socially and economically responsible public procurement (“SPASER”), and lotting.

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By Hélène Huteau ( 22 2024

Institutional catering: French high schools are being encouraged to buy locally using a procurement platform

Launched 3 years ago, the Occit’Alim platform lists food producers who meet the needs of institutional catering. The aim: to increase consumption of regional produce and create market outlets for organic producers. Find out more about this initiative, which has been praised by the region’s elected representatives.

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